My impressions, feelings and ideas to share with you.


This year has been a year of grieving for many people I know… Some dears lost someone special as a dad, a mom, a son, a brother or a friend… I saw the despair of many of them.
Regardless of who passed away, this person won’t come back and it is sad…
The pain remained…
The longing remained…
The lament remained…
The sadness of the loss remained…
The tears that never cease…
The memory remained…
The unbelief of what happened remained…
The feeling that we are just a grain of sand remained…
The love that won’t be shared anymore…
Trying to cling to something that still connects you to this person: a hat, a piece of clothing, a watch, a photo…
The idea that this person would have a lot of things to realize, to taste, to know and to learn… This idea brings more pain… Better not to think about this.
The idea that this person would have more presence to be given, more of himself to add to those around him, more life to live… This idea also brings more pain… Better not to think about this too.
I hope there is strength and calm to overcome this clash… And, above all, there is much more strength and calm to adapt yourself in this new and sad reality.
Of course that we want near us everybody that we love, but it is selfishness on our part, since the only certain that we have in life is that one day we are going to die… So, we may not want  our loved people by our side us forever…
Many times we come to believe that there are more of us somewhere, because we do not want to believe that we are so fragile, even if we are not sure if “there’s life after death” or possibly when we die everything is over and we only did our part into the food chain…
We know nothing about this, and maybe it is better to know nothing about this…

Self-knowledge Fragments


Indeed, less is more. And to know that I have the conscience that this makes part of my life makes me proud and happy.

People are always in a hurry. People are always stressed. People are always worried about the quantity of things they have to do.

Have a simple, quiet and gentle life is gratifying.

In this life we only leads the soul, we must take care of it.

Now, my prayers are to use the right word to express myself, the luck knocking in my door and discernment to do the right thing.

Today I have a smile in my face and the feeling that I’m still 20 years old and I can do everything.

I hope the universe conspires in my favour.

The Right Reply

“And when somebody asks you about your past, just reply: ‘I don’t live there anymore.'” (Tati Bernardi)

mudanca_pronta00It’s hard to dispose of something beloved and so special for me as a bike, books, and many other things that made me happy for all the moments I had and now those things and moments will be forever in my memories… And other things that were loved and kept with a special plan in the future, for a utility.

Detachment is an act of courage!

To have courage to say “I don’t need this”, courage to let go, to loosen and go on without regrets.

Right now, I’m in a moment of my life that I must have this courage to detach of things I’d love to keep with me, but it’s not possible because my destiny is different from those things, so it’s time to say bye, I’m going to another journey in life and those things don’t fit in my suitcase.

I thought that the detachment would be more difficult and painful, but I endured let those things go… My attitude made me feel good, buoyant and free. Perhaps because those things had made part of a finished cycle, a closed chapter.

Now I’m in a new stage, without the burden of the past, without expectations to the future, I’m only a passenger in this life, feeling no fear and no faults of my acts.

I should have more faith in me.

“I am a bathtub overflowing feelings… And there’s nobody to turn off the faucet.”
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

How Do You Like to Learn?

por_do_sol-alentejo_ptTo learn is a must!

There are people who like to learn reading or studying and others prefer to learn in practice. There are those who like to learn new things and there are those who don’t learn the old lessons.

Doesn’t matter the way we prefer learning, the most important is that we are learning something to make us better. It’s important to know that when we win we learn, but many times the sweet taste of victory doesn’t conscious ourselves about the learning and when we lose we learn and this is the bitter taste of learning that amid tears, we never forget.

Sometimes we don’t notice that we are learning all the time.

I enjoy learning with people and without that they realise that are teaching me. What stimulates me is to be aware of how our life is enriched by the experience of other.

The beauty of life lies in learning things. Let’s celebrate this!

Finishing Cycles

ImagemSometimes we have to start over. Stop everything. Break up everything. Start again. Rebuild our life, specially when we are unsatisfied with something.

Dissatisfaction is something that weakens, because we need to break free ourselves of it. If we insist on staying longer than the necessary time, we may lose the happiness and the meaning of the other stages we have to live.

We need to turn the page and give an end to things that are bad for us. We need to let go all things that don’t add anything in our life.

Life is composed by cycles, they all have a beginning and an end. They end when no longer fit into our life.

It hurts, but it’s necessary to finish a stage to begin another.

To be better than we used to be.

“Have you already tried out to believe in yourself?
Try it…
You have no idea about you are able!”



Is there a recipe to happiness?

I don’t think so… At least I don’t believe that there’s a “prescription” like as in the hundreds of ready phrases listened about what to do to be happy. Sometimes I read tips telling about how to find your happiness… In my opinion it’s all bullshit, I think that the recipe to happiness was thrown away centuries ago, written in a dead language…

We are made of the same stuff, but we are unique in our body, soul, thoughts and this is the reason why our ideal of happiness is very different… Each person has its ideal of happiness.

happiness-flowchartFor me, happiness is everything that makes my heart smile, that warms my soul, all that makes my body shine and everything that makes me thinks it worth… This could be do the right word in a difficult moment, a lost phrase in a song, a look, a smile, an act of kindness, a sincere hug, a kept promise or even when someone shows how important I am for this person, to love and be loved, a good movie, to be in peace with myself, affection, to stay with my friends, to share ideas, generosity, dance with somebody, to feel the wind in my hair, to overcome difficulties and a lot of things that I could write here until tomorrow.

Perhaps, this is my recipe to happiness that, in the future, can have more ingredients… And you, what is your recipe to happiness?

I’d like to know.


felizIt’s always aggrandizing to prove something new, smell something different, new flavours and different temperatures… I ever try when I can.

Well, in my routine I search to feel some pieces of happiness, for me those pieces are: brigadeiro (a typical Brazilian candy made of condensed milk, cocoa and butter), cuddle, receive licks from a dog, endless kisses, to see the sunrise, to smile, dance, feel myself free,  to look at the stars and to help an unknown person… And I recommend you to try at least once in life.

But I can’t forget to say that to travel alone on holidays for me is a must (of course if the company is good, I do a concession).

And more important of this is: allow yourself to love, do plans, forgive, change your opinion, read more books, pray, believe, have friends, be patient, date someone, have fun, cry, dream, work, sleep, wake up, relax and be happy.

Live intensely!